Sunday, December 14, 2014

How Do You Know She Was Satisfied Last Night?

Two decades ago, when I was working as a helper to the carpenters in a construction, I overheard two men talking about their marriage, if how their relationships with their wife were going, and the common problems they usually had. I was behind them and seem they did not notice me, as they were busy hammering nails on the wooden floors they were working on.

All the other subjects were just like normal for me and did not mind following their stories; however, maybe there were no more subjects they could talk about, one of them asked the other about how was his sexual relationship with his wife. Hearing that I slowed down with what I was doing and made my ears more open to what is the answer of the other fellow would be. I paid more attention, specially, when the man questioning asked, “How to tell if your wife was sexually satisfied last night?” Well, that made me almost stop moving, because as much as the man was interested to know the answer to his question, a man barely reaching 20 years old like me is also eager to know the answer.

I was not yet married at that time, and don’t have much experience about women - sexually, so I thought I might as well listen to not be stupid like the man when the time comes for me to satisfy my partner.

I was expecting an immediate and direct answer from the other fellow, but instead, he asked his companion why he was asking. The other man replied with a trace of embarrassment on his words that he does not know if he ever satisfied his wife or not. He said he was embarrassed to ask his wife, however, he believed there must be some signs to show, only that he did not know how to recognize it.

He said, they were married for 10 years already, but all those years, it was still a puzzle for him if he had ever satisfied his wife. I was smiling to myself as I listen to their conversations. I thought that was a free education as it was not from a book but a firsthand knowledge I could learn by listening.

The other fellow was smiling and somewhat thinking how will he answer the other fellow. Then he cleared his throat and, again asked his buddy, “How was the mood of your wife in the morning after the night you had sex?” His buddy thought for a moment, then said, “Hmmmm, I did not notice anything. It was like all is normal,” he said.

“You know what, one of the things I observed about my wife was she is always in a good mood to prepare my food after we had a bout the night before. In addition, she smiles like she had eaten some sweets,” he told his buddy with a laugh. “But, if she ask for it, and I was not able to perform, because we had a drinking spree, or I was tired from work, or just not in the mood, expect that on the following morning - and all the days after - that she would very irritable, and you cannot predict what she wanted” he continued, as he was preparing to hammer a nail into the wooden floor he was working on.

The other guy was thrilled to the new information he was learning, and like a student who wanted to know more from a new found teacher, he continued asking more questions. Well, as a young man who wanted to know more about the secrets of sexually satisfying your woman, I unwittingly stopped what I was doing and concentrated on listening to their conversations.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Ant’s Ingenuity: What ants Do If they Can’t Take Home a Very Large Food?

We were walking with my patient one morning this week as part of his physical therapy when I noticed a snake-like curved mountain of brown earth on the ground on the side of the road. The thing was ants’ art they wanted to show people how good builder they are.

There was a heavy pouring of rain the night before and stopped like about four hours past. The view deepened my admiration to the ants’ swiftness and cunningness in making that one meter long and about five inches diameter size of mound of earth. I guessed they needed a day to do but looks like they just needed a few hours to complete the task which reminded me of what unity can do - nothing is impossible as shown by these little red ants.

At first I thought it was just a common thing and once more admired the work by comparing it to a real mountain without forests in it.

I was about to step away when I noticed something peculiar at the tip of the mound that was partly lying on the edge of the road.

I got inquisitive when I saw there is a partly covered white color under the mound. Curious about what was it and to prove if my first impression was right, I used the tip of my shoe to remove some of the earth at the middle and saw a body of dead snake.

Wow, what a sight! So, that’s what ants do when they can’t carry a food home – they just make a home of it!

Well, I imagined what a beautiful home would be after consuming all the flesh of that snake leaving only the bones! It will look like one of Hollywood’s fairy tale caves made up partly of a giant snake’s bones and thought of me inside of it.

I was fascinated by the sight so I took a video and a few shots. I hope it can give us some education about ants’ technique when the food they found is too large to carry home.

I was lucky because my cellphone’s battery was very low but still was enough to capture a glimpse of other creatures’ wisdom.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

How To Teach A Kid Avoid Bed-wetting as Young As Two MOnths Old?

I can still remember when I was about probably 3-5 years old when my father whips my butt with a slipper because I wet our floor cover we slept on together with the blankets.

I didn’t know how I stopped wetting. What I could remember is I only got awaken whenever I feel the need to urinate.

Only when I got married and observed how my wife trained our children I understood how children bedwetting can be avoided or to minimized to none at all.

In order to save from diapers, my wife had our son urinate before sleeping at night, then at midnight, three in the morning, then again when the baby woke up in the morning.

This practice became a habit that our baby learned to give signals of uncomfortableness each time he felt to empty his bladder. I said, “Wow, even babies don’t want to be dirty!”

The question is how my wife knew the timing that our baby needed to empty his bladder?

For the first two months she observed our baby’s behavior and schedule in addition to his reactions whenever he needs to relieve himself.

That practice was carried on to our next two children - then now to our fourth who is now 2 and ½ years old. In fact we still have the last pack of the diapers I bought when she 1 year old.

The only time the kids ended up wetting their diapers were when we feel lazy to get up at night, we attended a party, during travels, and when we ignore their signals. And that’s only when they can’t shout enough to tell us. By the age of two years old bedwetting is completely gone.
Mothers are amazed to know our kids inform us they need to go to the washroom to clear their bowels or bladders. Well, we are also amazed to know that their 3 years old kid is still wearing diapers 24 hours a day and complain it’s expensive to raise a baby.

What are the signals a baby is about to urinate?
1. Kicking = my wife said our baby starts to thrust his feet removing the covers
2. Crying – not really crying but something closed to it to call attention.
3. Taking note of time cycle - Like adults, babies have their own time schedule for feeding, siesta time, and relieving themselves. Usually two hours to three hours are the gap though for some maybe shorter or longer depending on the established habit. Usually, a baby who just relieved herself/himself will want to be breastfed.

For grown-up kids, I believed the best way to let them stop bedwetting is to remind them about going first to empty their urinary bladder before going to bed at night. And if possible make a deal with them you will wake them up at the middle of the night to again urinate until they establish a routine and will do it by themselves.
Getting upset with them when they have accident will not help but only make them pressured and anxious which will make them lose self-respect.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Save Money On Baby Diapers

If you are a young mother or planning to be a mother soon, one of the things that you have to budget is your baby’s diapers for years. I heard mothers and fathers complaining about how expensive it is to have a baby because of their diapers.

A healthy baby can use about five diapers or more in 24 hours. It may become less as they grow up, but still a lot of money and a heavy burden when our income is not steady or when the salary is just enough to buy food. I know because I experienced it, I am just blessed with a wife who knew what she was doing in order to lessen our expenses on diapers.

My wife taught me how, actually, I learned by observing her.

When we had our first child, I thought I was going to spend a lot on diapers for at least three years, and also laundry soap to wash his nappies. I was just happy my wife is a firm believer of breastfeeding, so, I didn’t have to worry about milk.

On the first day to two months I was buying diapers and to control using much of it, we had to use nappies during the day and use only diapers when we go out.

At night, we get up to change wet diaper at least two times.

Then on the second month, I was amazed that my wife was getting up not to change diapers but taking the baby in the washroom and had him empty his bladder. I asked how she knew it’s time for the baby to urinate. She told me the baby give signs which she learned by observing the pattern of his waking up, the noise or movements he did to signal he was about to urinate.

But how did she know the baby was not asking for her milk? Well, that’s another sign – the baby will automatically move his head and look for his food. But before feeding him, she would bring him first to the washroom to relieve him. However, that doesn’t apply to his emptying his bowel until he was five or six months old, and completely no more diapers when they were already 10 months old.

We have four children. All of them were trained the same thing, though the youngest, who is now two years old was trained when she was four months old, and she is no longer using any diaper at all. Our friends and neighbors, who have the same age or even older child than her, are amazed when she would say “Pee-pee” when she needs to urinate or “Pooh-pooh” when she needs to empty her bowels.

Well, this one was an old traditional way of mothers in the old days to start disciplining their children. It only changed when new things were made to make life easier – or should I say in the contrary because one must work harder to meet the modern needs of life today.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

WARNING: Be Careful How to Pacify Your Kids

"You might be planting bad behavior to your kids while they're still babies"

Are we puzzled why our children fight us back or bullies in school, when we knew we never told them to fight back; in the contrary, we always tell them to forgive? Well, never told them those words but we might be unaware we gave them examples on how to react on such situations – when they were very young and naïve.

One of the oldest ways to pacify crying babies when they slipped and fell on the floor, hit their head on something is hitting back at the object, like the chair, the floor or anything that they hurt themselves or a sibling, playmates, and even a parent who made them cry.

This kind of pacifying kid’s feeling is very wrong as is proven by my little girl. My mother-in-law use the method to pacify the feeling of my girl to stopped her crying whenever she hurt herself from falling on the floor, or hitting her knee or head on a chair, or a sibling that caused her to cry.

I am aware about the bad effect of this technique so I warned my wife and my older three kids to never pretend hitting back on the floor, chairs, or anyone of them whenever she was hurt by them or hurt herself on objects. This rule was an old one I made since the birth of my first child; however, it was forgotten after 12 years of not having another kid. It’s not that I am smart, but I learned it from my parents.

However, I hadn’t spoken to my mother-in-law about it. And I was shocked to see how my little girl, Iriz Kate, reacted whenever she hurt herself or when she was hurt by her older sister, and two brothers. One of her reactions I recorded it using my cellphone.

One time while she was playing, she accidentally slipped on the floor and hurt her knee, so, she cried. I tried to stop her and pacified her. I noticed she was signaling me to hit back on the floor by pointing at it, but I told her “No.” She sat down on the chair and continued crying. Then she started kicking the chair and hitting it with her hands, and talking like the way her grandmother talks whenever she pretended hitting back on the objects that hurt my little girl.

Young and naive they are, it’s the time they learn behaviors and attitudes that they will carry with them throughout their lives. From being conceive till they are kids are the times of their being sponge-like character wherein they absorb everything they see and hear from us.

We as adults think what we are doing or showing don’t affect them are unaware we are inculcating into their mind and bones teachings they will not have an easy time to change once they are already grown up.

The good thing is while they are young it can still be changed especially when they are yet still considered babies, like, my kid who now forgot the thought doing revenge whenever she is hurt by an object or by her playmates. She now understands that it is normal to get hurt when one does not be careful, and it is part of socialization to be accidentally hurt by a playmate.

The bad part is when they are already in their teenage years. This is a little too late to correct the bad behaviors and attitudes they learned from us because it makes them confused. And when they rebel or we can no longer influence them like when they were yet babies, we tend to blame the environment and try to absolve ourselves from the responsibility especially when we can no longer take things in control.