Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Beggars, Poor, and Prostitutes: The reason for their existence

Why beggars are roaming the streets even in rich countries?

Why there are prostitutes even when they could live decent life?

Why only a few are rich when there is a vast of wealth in this earth?

These three levels of man have been here since the old days as proven by old literature.

When I went abroad to look for a living, I was amazed to see beggars, prostitutes, and like in my country, there are only a few wealthy people there; the majority is poor and middle class of people.

Maybe because of physical idleness, my mind had the chance to think and think and keep talking to myself. It kept asking those questions, until I came up with the following explanations I briefly describe bellow (Let us start with the shortest and easy to explain):

1. Why there are prostitutes even when they could have lived a more decent life?

If we accept the explanations of the xxx moviemakers then maybe we could say that the case is closed. According to their research, most of those women working in the xxx movies are not only there for the sake of money but, also, they really want to show their body and, like men, want to satisfy their desire and craving for sex. So, does it mean the prostitutes are the same with those actors and actresses doing triple X movies? According to the sex workers I chanced to interview about their reasons being in their work, they said, they need money, and – this one is close to the other reason I gave – they make lonely husbands happy, and help them overcome their relationship problems, not only about sex but also about emotional matters. In a material world, that explanation seems to be, hmmm – logical.

However, here is another practical explanation. Prostitutes are here to satisfy men’s desire and needs during the times when their wives cannot do their responsibility to their husbands. They are here, also, to minimize the sin of a man coveting another’s wife for the sake of satisfying his sexual needs.

2. Why only a few are rich when there is a vast of wealth in this earth?

The common reason given to us as explanation for this phenomenon is because poor or less fortunate people are simply lazy or they do not have the good luck to amass wealth for themselves.

Thinking it over, and over again, the reason is simply because when there are less poor people, “Who will work the fields? Who will work in the buildings, clean the streets, cook and serve us in the restaurants? And many more things only the poor and average people are willing to do. In short, there is imbalance when there are more rich than poor. Another thing, becoming rich is a very strong motivation people to work harder, and think harder to discover the vast secrets of this earth. Imagine when the motivation is to become poor, do you think human still exist today?

3. Why beggars are roaming the streets, even on rich countries where we say at least have enough food to feed everyone.

This is something hard to believe, but we need people to pray for this world to be blessed, and also to pray for us.

When people are in bad shape, almost all the words that come out from their mouth are sincerely coming from the bottom of their heart. They do not have any reason to become a liar. Thus, when they get alms, the giver is lucky when the beggar will pray for him to be blessed by the LORD ALMIGHTY. However, it seems only a few beggars know to pray and say thanks for the little thing they received.

If we observe the beggars we have on the streets asking for alms, one could see there are beggars who are capable to work but lazy. There are beggars who see business in doing it, and there are beggars who are real beggars who have no other capabilities but to beg.

Thus, it is very important to look for this third kind of beggar. They are here as bridge to the Lord, to tell HIM there are still few good people in this world, thus it is worthy of not destroying it. When this people stopped praying, or are already crying to the Lord this earth is too bad, then the Lord knows the earth has no more righteous people; therefore, there is a reason to destroy it like Sodom and Gomorrah.

The beggars pray for luck and good blessings for the people who gives to them.

But, be careful when giving to people we considered beggars. Do not say you give abundantly so that when they pray, you will get a bigger reward. Don’t give too much, because of the abundance of their alms, they might forget to pray!

In real life that is what’s happening. Abundance corrupts the mind of the people, and they forget to show gratitude to the One who made those blessings possible.

People always forget to pray when they have too much blessings. Also, when they pray, it lacks passion; unlike when they are in real need. When people want something badly, they tend to do the extreme. They pray, even walking with their knees, just to gain the pity of the LORD to grant what they want.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Three Sleeping positions that cause me nightmares

Since I was a child, I cannot count how many dreams gave me nightmares. I am just happy I discovered the sleeping positions that always contribute or probably the reasons why I get nightmares. Nightmare is a sleep problem that makes one suddenly awakens shouting, perspiring, and very afraid that as if the dream was true.

1. Fetal position, one of my legs is on top of the other. In this position I always have a trouble walking, and running in my dreams. Most of the times I dream of walking but cannot walk fast no matter how much I try, and usually I got tired. Or when I wanted to run I feel my legs are so heavy and cannot get away from the one running after me or over run someone or a thing I wanted to catch, so at the end I would wake up tired, and breathless.

But, since I like sleeping on my side, I always make sure that one of my leg is in front of the other, this way I could walk fast, and run faster in my dreams.

2. Sleeping on my back with my legs crossed over, and hands on my sides. This position again gives me same problem like the fetal position.

3. Sleeping on my back, but this time my legs are relaxed and not crossed over; however one of my hand is on top of my forehead, or both hands are on top my chest with fingers interlocked gives me a nightmare where I thought I got awakened and trying to talk waking up my partner or talking to someone. Many times on this kind of nightmare, I end up shouting, or moaning until I got up on my own or someone would wake me up. There were times also that I believed I was really awake and walking around.

In addition, other factors, also, contribute to my nightmares, like when a pillow accidentally was covering my face, my chest, or my legs. But the most dangerous was when you did not have sleep the last night coupled with fatigue – this would surely give a very deep sleep and would result to a nightmare.

But what is the problem when you have nightmares, aside from getting those not so pleasant dreams?

I believed that aside from those not so pleasant dreams, night mares could trigger a heart attack, and stroke.

Yes, we hear many people who died on their sleeps; however, what’s worrying is many of them now are young at the age of 20s.

When a person is overweight, or even if not, if that person got heart problem then nightmare is never welcome when it is time for sleeping.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

How I Solved My Problem of Gallstone Without Surgery?

In my practice as massage therapist, I met many who have gone through gall bladder surgery to solve their gallstone problem. That includes my mother who love sauce of salted fish(Fish sauce or bagoong in Filipino) and one of my cousin who loves fatty foods, and salty ones. I also met many who had gallstone problem once or twice in their life but never gone through the knife, instead, they used natural way to treat it. Whether they used surgery or used alternative way, I learned they have one thing in common: They love salty foods, and Oily/fatty foods.

And since we are here to talk about the alternative to surgery, I share with you what I learned from those who used alternative way to treat their gall stone problems.

Before doing these things, be sure to confirm from your doctor you have the problem. Though the sure indication of gallstones is a pain in your right chest, it is still advisable for you to eliminate other probable cause. The reason why people using alternative medicine fails is many times they are guessing. Like modern medicine, diagnosis of the problem is a key to getting the right cure.

 1. In the barangay or village where my mother was born, one woman in her 40’s shared me her story. Since she didn’t have the amount of money her doctor told her she needed to remove the stones in her gallbladder(to remove her gallbladder) she went around and asked from the old folks what she has to do to treat her problem. She said, she avoided all kinds of meat including fish, specially, fried ones, and all kinds of oily/fatty foods, and salty foods and all foods with monosodium glutamate. In addition, she also avoided all kinds of cola drinks, and all artificial drinks, such as, energy drinks. She also increased her water intake every day. She boiled a subosob (wild tea with a tobacco leaf shape) leaves as her supplementary drink. And what raised my eyebrow is she said she ate fresh baby fruits of papaya, everyday, for the first seven days, and three times the following weeks. In three months, her problem disappeared. No more chest pains, but she continued for another two months to make sure all the stones she might had were all cleared. She also sparingly ate baby fruit of papaya on the third month. To avoid the problem from recurring, she now became more vigilant about her food.

 2. In the same village, another woman shared her experienced. She had the problem after our first story happened. Of course, she asked her what she did. However, with a little change, she did not eat the baby papaya like the way the first woman did. She ate it, but only a few because she cannot imagine eating it. However, she avoided same foods the first woman avoided: No meat, oily/fatty foods, and salty foods. She also drunk the wild tea, and drunk more water every day.

 3. The third case was me. Though I could tell more stories about people I interviewed how they solved their gall stone problem, they’re all have the same thing: they avoided meat, fatty foods, and salty foods. Though some have a variation in their ways, which included a weekly one day or two times a week fasting with only water as their intake.

 In my case, when I felt a chest pain in my right side a year ago, I was happy. Thinking about those people I interviewed, I knew what to do, and now I can talk about it with my own experience.

I did not avoid meat, but decreased it. However, I avoided Oily and fatty foods, though not completely. I did not avoid salt completely either, but I made sure I got less by not eating foods with sodium glutamate, and put less salt into my food.

 I increased my water intake, and drink tea as my supplementary drink. When I felt the pain in my chest, I knew I did not drink enough water, so I would drink immediately.

When it comes to colas, and artificially flavored drinks, and energy drinks, I have been avoiding them for years, save for cola which I drink once in a while, because it is one of my antidote for hang-over at times I had drunk too much alcohol the previous night.

The thing I included in my own treatment was olive oil. I read many times before that olive oil could dissolve gall stones, and people in countries who used a lot of olive oil in their salads have a little number of people with gallstone problem. Every day, I took two tablespoonful of olive oil, or I mixed it with my food. Or I make salad, like tomatoes with lettuce, or cucumber and added olive oil in it. The kind of olive oil to use according to the articles, I read, is to make sure it is written in the label “Extra Virgin Olive Oil,” otherwise, the oil is not a pure one.

 The result is not as excellent as the first two cases, because, there are times I still get a punch of right chest pain. I know a complete treatment is not yet achieved because I am not completely giving up the culprits. However, it is no longer like the first attacks where I experienced it every day, two times or more for the whole day. The last time I remember I had the attack was, hmmm,.... three months ago!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Foods That Trigger (My) Arthritis Problem

I was 34 years old when arthritis started playing with my feet joints.  It started as gout or bunion on the joint of my big toe, then a year later, on the side of my small toe.  Then at age 42, it bit my ankle joint. 

 The ankle joint attacks were the worst – I cannot even move my affected leg for an inch. 

When the pain was slightly hurting, I thought the magic of my hand could take care of the problem, so I massaged it. At first, it felt okay, but after an hour, the pain became a flare up.  I cannot walk a step without tears of agony.  Then, a few hours more, I thought I lost my leg, because I cannot move without lifting it with my two hands.  

For almost ten years that I am having on and off attack of arthritis, I pinpointed the following to be the culprits, and the joints usually affected.

1.  Kiwi Fruit = affects the big toe joint 

2.  Lemon = affects my foot on the small toe side

3.  Cane Vinegar = affects my finger, toe joints, and ankle joint

4.  Calamansi(citrofortunella microcarpa) = affects my ankle joints

5.  Ginger (Slight inflammation) = ankle joints and finger joints

Many studies are being done to find out what triggers arthritis, and many foods are being told as the culprits.  However, as a sufferer, the best way to find out your food allergy is to be aware of all the foods you eat and the ingredients added to them.  Do not rely too much with the pundits – they might confuse you, though you can take their advice as an idea to start with. Each individual have different level of tolerance or response to foods it take, that is why some can do eat anything and everything but do not have any negative effects to them, while others can die to just a little of one thing.

Before I found my food allergies, the people I know who have arthritis, believe that meat, and legumes are the trigger foods causing arthritis flare-ups; however, looks like not in my case.  I am eating all kinds of legumes, and meat but, lucky me, until now, they do not trigger inflammations.   I told these to one of my cousins who has been suffering for years of arthritis, and he said he found out that some meat menu caused him troubles and some don’t.  

Fastest Remedy 

During an arthritis attack, massage is not advisable.  And if you want the fastest remedy on hand during an attack, the best thing is to take the best anti-inflammatory drug, especially designed for arthritis.  One can buy it from over the counter at drug stores.  When you got one that works for you, be sure to have a reserve ready anytime.

Usually, one pill is enough when you took the right pill for your system. Generic drugs for me, seems do not work as effective as the branded ones. Always take the medicine after eating something to eliminate one of the side effects when taken on empty stomach – such as bleeding. 

Wait, if you tell me you need something natural.  Well, when you are suffering as if a boulder of salt is on top of your lower leg, anything that can stop the pain is desirable.  As of now, I do not know of a natural pill that can work fast like the one you can buy from drug store.  My homeopathic teacher told me long time ago, that you can take any medicine that you know it can stop the pain without worrying about the side effect; take care of the side effects later on when your problem stop.


When the pain stop, exercise the joint as soon as possible, apply massage, and watch for the foods that trigger the problem. Arthritis could leave a very debilitating problem with in your affected joints. I know, because after each attack I feel the joints stiff and still with trace of pain. I believed this is the reason why most people who have arthritis became limited with their movements. They are afraid they will irritate the joint and caused it to get inflame again, so, they do not want to exercise it. Nevertheless, do not give in. Joint pains left by arthritis are a case where exercise is very helpful to regain the full function of one’s joints, especially when one is young or it is the first time arthritis showed its presence within your system. What I do is to stretch the affected joints many times every day until I gain their full flexibility. To do it, always start mildly and has to endure some pain at first, until no more pain is felt and the joint functions well like before. First, use exercise then intersperse it with massage to ease the injured tissues. Exercise helps by promoting circulation and encourages the flow of synovial fluid to the joints.


Exercise, medicines, massage, and any kind of state of the art kind of remedy are useless without taking into account your food intake.

My first line of defense now against arthritis attack is being fussy about my food and the kind of additions that goes into it. Now, I can boldly say, arthritis pain does not bother me anymore for the longest of time. Although, I cannot hide the fact, I missed kiwi, and the punch of taste of lemon, and cane vinegar provides, but the thought of me lying on bed suffering the worst arthritis can do to me is more than enough to discipline myself stay away from foods I know can give me problem.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

How can I remove from my FaceBook, and FanBox?

I was enjoying my FaceBook one night,  then all of a sudden, I cannot access it because of this irritating ad that immediately loads every time I open my FaceBook.  

 I thought it was only my FaceBook, but when I also tried to post a blog in my FanBox dashboard, this same thing does not want me to access it, that instead of the page for me to write down my blog, it is the login for my facebook was coming out.

So, what I did was to look for help from the internet, only to land on a website which instead of giving me a direct answer, it asked me some information, like my email and giving me conditions. Frustrated, I closed it because its ways is like the phishing sites that want to know your information and give you more problems.

However, since this http://xmasstshrit was giving me a pain on the neck, I googled again for more answers and remedy in removing it using google chrome, and here is the one that helped me:

Steps(Internet Explorer or google chrome works the same)

1.  Internet Explorer
            a.  Click “Tools”
            b.  Click “Add ons”
            c.  Click “Extensions”
            d.  Look for the Youtube plugin and (I suggest)  click remove. Click restart on the prompt 
                        then you’re done.

2.  Google Chrome

      a.  Click customized google chrome found on the right hand side…just point your arrow on the tool

      b.  Point to Tools and click Extension

      c.  Look for the Youtube plugin and click remove

After doing this procedure I am happy that it didn’t bother me again, and I was able to post my blogs in my FanBox, and open my FaceBook without that ad from a crazy son-of-an-irritants!
It helped me, so, I believe it could help you, too.