Wednesday, July 25, 2012

How I Solved My Problem of Gallstone Without Surgery?

In my practice as massage therapist, I met many who have gone through gall bladder surgery to solve their gallstone problem. That includes my mother who love sauce of salted fish(Fish sauce or bagoong in Filipino) and one of my cousin who loves fatty foods, and salty ones. I also met many who had gallstone problem once or twice in their life but never gone through the knife, instead, they used natural way to treat it. Whether they used surgery or used alternative way, I learned they have one thing in common: They love salty foods, and Oily/fatty foods.

And since we are here to talk about the alternative to surgery, I share with you what I learned from those who used alternative way to treat their gall stone problems.

Before doing these things, be sure to confirm from your doctor you have the problem. Though the sure indication of gallstones is a pain in your right chest, it is still advisable for you to eliminate other probable cause. The reason why people using alternative medicine fails is many times they are guessing. Like modern medicine, diagnosis of the problem is a key to getting the right cure.

 1. In the barangay or village where my mother was born, one woman in her 40’s shared me her story. Since she didn’t have the amount of money her doctor told her she needed to remove the stones in her gallbladder(to remove her gallbladder) she went around and asked from the old folks what she has to do to treat her problem. She said, she avoided all kinds of meat including fish, specially, fried ones, and all kinds of oily/fatty foods, and salty foods and all foods with monosodium glutamate. In addition, she also avoided all kinds of cola drinks, and all artificial drinks, such as, energy drinks. She also increased her water intake every day. She boiled a subosob (wild tea with a tobacco leaf shape) leaves as her supplementary drink. And what raised my eyebrow is she said she ate fresh baby fruits of papaya, everyday, for the first seven days, and three times the following weeks. In three months, her problem disappeared. No more chest pains, but she continued for another two months to make sure all the stones she might had were all cleared. She also sparingly ate baby fruit of papaya on the third month. To avoid the problem from recurring, she now became more vigilant about her food.

 2. In the same village, another woman shared her experienced. She had the problem after our first story happened. Of course, she asked her what she did. However, with a little change, she did not eat the baby papaya like the way the first woman did. She ate it, but only a few because she cannot imagine eating it. However, she avoided same foods the first woman avoided: No meat, oily/fatty foods, and salty foods. She also drunk the wild tea, and drunk more water every day.

 3. The third case was me. Though I could tell more stories about people I interviewed how they solved their gall stone problem, they’re all have the same thing: they avoided meat, fatty foods, and salty foods. Though some have a variation in their ways, which included a weekly one day or two times a week fasting with only water as their intake.

 In my case, when I felt a chest pain in my right side a year ago, I was happy. Thinking about those people I interviewed, I knew what to do, and now I can talk about it with my own experience.

I did not avoid meat, but decreased it. However, I avoided Oily and fatty foods, though not completely. I did not avoid salt completely either, but I made sure I got less by not eating foods with sodium glutamate, and put less salt into my food.

 I increased my water intake, and drink tea as my supplementary drink. When I felt the pain in my chest, I knew I did not drink enough water, so I would drink immediately.

When it comes to colas, and artificially flavored drinks, and energy drinks, I have been avoiding them for years, save for cola which I drink once in a while, because it is one of my antidote for hang-over at times I had drunk too much alcohol the previous night.

The thing I included in my own treatment was olive oil. I read many times before that olive oil could dissolve gall stones, and people in countries who used a lot of olive oil in their salads have a little number of people with gallstone problem. Every day, I took two tablespoonful of olive oil, or I mixed it with my food. Or I make salad, like tomatoes with lettuce, or cucumber and added olive oil in it. The kind of olive oil to use according to the articles, I read, is to make sure it is written in the label “Extra Virgin Olive Oil,” otherwise, the oil is not a pure one.

 The result is not as excellent as the first two cases, because, there are times I still get a punch of right chest pain. I know a complete treatment is not yet achieved because I am not completely giving up the culprits. However, it is no longer like the first attacks where I experienced it every day, two times or more for the whole day. The last time I remember I had the attack was, hmmm,.... three months ago!


  1. It's always best to see your doctor. Besides, natural gallbladder sludge treatment is also always preferred than undergoing surgery.

  2. Thank you for the visit, anonymous.

    A doctor's confirmation is always preferred than to guess or relying on what you've heard or read; this is where modern medicine and traditional medicine could help each other. Modern medicine will make sure you're going to treat the right problem the soonest possible time and could use alternative medicine where it is most effective.

  3. maggie.danhakl@healthline.comAugust 18, 2014 at 2:38 PM

    Hi, recently launched a free interactive "Human Body Maps" tool. I thought your readers would be interested in our body map of the Gallbladder:

    It would be much appreciated if you could include this tool on and / or share with friends and followers. Please let me know if you have any questions.

    Thank you in advance.
    Warm Regards,

    Maggie Danhakl- Assistant Marketing Manager
    p: 415-281-3124 f: 415-281-3199

    Healthline Networks, Inc. * Connect to Better Health
    660 Third Street, San Francisco, CA 94107
