Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Alternative Heartburn remedy

This article is based from my website of the same topic "Massage remedy for Heartburn" found at Massage Cure Secrets

Heartburn is probably one of the most troubling problems afflicting people. And we know it could ruin your supposed to be beautiful day. Worst when you are in a party when it attacked and you have nothing at hand, like, a heartburn medicine, you feel helpless and have to endure the ordeal until you got home.

But, we all know that taking antacids has some adverse effects to the health of some; thus an alternative remedy can be tried first before any drugs. Common side effects may include, flatulence and stomach cramps.

My friend, I experienced the same and thanks for the massage skill the Lord gave me; I was able to develop steps to immediately remedy the problem and it sure always work for me. And because I always believe that if it works to one it may also work to the other. I am therefore obliged to share it to you if you’re interested.

Heartburn Remedy Steps:

1. Locate the tip of the xiphoid process

2. Press or apply light to medium pressure

3. Press- 3-5 counts. Each count is equal to 1 second

  •  Movement can be done with your left or right hand

4. Next measure 2-3 fingers from the tip of the xiphoid process

5. Under the 2nd or 3rd finger put the other fingers of your hand

6. Press slightly or pressure depends on your tolerance. Apply an upward motion( You can use both hands).

7. Count three to five times. There are instances where more counts are needed to soften the part being massage which is below xiphoid. ( don’t know why I can’t find an English term for this part of the body which we call here in the Philippines as “Rusok” = Ilocano; Sikmura=Tagalog.

What to expect after doing the massage?

If the procedures were done right, you will experience the following:

1. You will burp and the gas/air passes through your mouth easily with relief

2. If the procedure was not enough the urge to burp stops short of coming out giving you unsatisfied feeling. You need to repeat the procedure

3. If you don’t burp the gas will go out the other end. It may smell but the relief is very rewarding

What to remember before doing the procedures/steps?

1. Do it on an empty stomach (no food and no water)

2. If you have just eaten or drunk be sure an hour or more lapsed before you start

3. No alcohol, please

4. It is best done before sleeping at night, or early in the morning

5. If it doesn’t work at first keep doing it for a week or two weeks until the part below your xiphoid softens

6. If it still doesn’t work after two weeks, it’s your choice if you continue or better consult your doctor because you may have something else worse than just heartburn.

7. Always remember this is not a replacement for medical procedure.

NOTE: While I said the technique is best done on empty stomach, I found out that a slight massage when you feel you have dyspepsia after accidentally eating more than your stomach capacity HELPS.

And let me share another remedy we learned from our old folk’s when you feel you have overstuffed your stomach with food: Find cold water and put some on your hand then rub it over your abdomen. Be sure to include your “Sikmura” – that area just underneath your xiphoid process.

To have a better idea on how to do the steps, please, watch the video.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Emergency Points For Blood Pressure

Have you in a situation, where a friend of yours or a family member was having a terrible headache

because of a high blood pressure? Many times, there is news that a person we know died because of a

brain hemorrhage cause by a high blood pressure. In short, a vein or artery burst causing an internal

bleeding in the head that kills the person.

Although, there are instances when a stroke happens in just a wink, not all bleeding occur instantly. Most of the time, it starts with a terrible headache, and sometimes causes the person to get dizzy, and nauseous. If this happens, have the person sits down or lay down or in a position that is comfortable.

What you will do is to massage the fingers, and toes. If he is wearing shoes, take them off and massage

the toes, and the entire feet. Do it fast by squeezing the arms towards the fingers, and at the legs, squeeze below the knee towards the toes and finish it with a rubdown. The principle is to bring the circulation of the blood towards the extremities away from the head.

Next is to press the two points on the back of the neck, at the

ridge of the skull. Concentrate on those two points. Use your

thumb and middle finger. Press for a count of three, then

release. Repeat procedure for a few more times, then try to

make the pressure longer. Ask the patient for a feedback.

Usually the pressure feels good and the patient feel relieved.

Now using your other hands make a rub from the forehead

going to the center of the head. Repeat the procedure for a

few more times. Next, instead of the whole hands, use your

fingers and thumb to walk the head from the hairline going into

the back of the head.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Throat Cancer: The Ignored cause

Throat cancer is creating an alarm, because like other kinds of cancer, even well known personalities are not exempt from the problem.

If you ask me about the definition of throat cancer, I will refer you to check Mayo Clinic, and any other medical websites. They will define it to you and explain it in details - the different names, stages, tests, and medical treatments you will have to go through. However, there is one thing they cannot do – to pinpoint one of the real cause of throat cancer.

Again, like the other problems, I talked about already, and all the other problems I will be talking in the future are all based in my own experiences. So, the knowledge you will get here is from non-medical educated person, whose education about health is all based on experience, and observations of his body as experimental subject. So, I advise you to not continue if you want things scientifically proven by years of studies, and experimentations.

The ignored cause of throat cancer 

Cold drinks 
         I do not know how to explain this one, but my experience taught me that drinking ice cold drinks, such as water, cola, and anything cold – straight from the refrigerator is dangerous to your throat.

As a child, we were told by my mother, that when you are tired, and have been working under the sun, and feeling very thirsty – do not drink immediately. Cool off first before you drink.

It is a common practice that once we arrived home we immediately look for water – cold water. Not aware this practice upsets the cells of our throat. In an hour, or few hours, or after 24 hours it starts to get inflamed. The problem is even when it is inflamed, we continue drinking cold water, aggravating the problem.

Like what I have said, I am talking based from my experiences, so if you do not believe me, why not give a try for yourself to know firsthand. Once you get into your home, thirsty from a hot summer day, take a very cold drink. That would explain everything. Observe how you feel afterwards. You will keep drinking and feeling thirsty even after downing a liter of cold liquid. If it saved your throat, you might not avoid the queasy feeling. If it is not the throat, it could be the other organs. Other effects of this practice would be, headaches, ulcer like pain, nausea, fever, and flu.

If you have a strong immune system, good – but don’t abuse it. Because, I am sure, your time will come.

I am glad I have a mother who did not even finish fourth grade. If she became a doctor, she would not have learned the old folks simple and cheap health remedy.

Every time I got throat problems which usually caused fever, because of not being able to control myself to drink cold water after coming in from a hot weather, my mother was my doctor. While reprimanding me, reminding me of the bad effect of what I did, she would prepare her first aid simple remedy - water therapy. Are you surprised? Drinking from cold water was the cause of the problem, but she was again using water to treat it.

How did she use water to treat the problem?

Simple, to treat sore throat, make a warm to hot water with salt and gurgle with it. Why hot water? Well, this is where we un-educated people cannot explain. All we know is it works most of the time. But my guess is, may be the hot water kills bacteria that caused the inflammation, and to relax the frozen cells. Why the salt added? I believe it also helps to kill the bacteria – probably.

However, since I stayed here in Baguio city where the weather is cold, and never gets very hot, I completely “forgot” my mother’s advice. When we go down to the lowlands, I would drink cold water, and nothing happened, so, I thought I am a grown up boy. Sore throat cannot touch me anymore. My mistake, in 1998 when I was going down to Manila every other day for two weeks, sore throat affected me. On the third day, it was hard to swallow, and I had fever. The 4th day, I cannot swallow at all, so, had to press under my chin in order to do it. I am glad my mother’s old advice came back to my memory. I immediately boiled water with an added salt, and used it to counter-act the problem. Hard headed, I was not convinced that my body could not fight the effect of cold water, so I experimented, the effect was the same. Thus, I told myself to stop playing or I will pay the price.

Yet, the experience I believe left me a sensitive throat until now. Each time I drink ice-cold beer, or any cold drinks, I always get an inflamed throat. I am just lucky, that each time, my mother's remedy always work each time.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Problem with Christianity, Judaism, and Islam

There are three major religions in this earth, whose doctrines are controlling its affairs.  These are Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Why I am going to talk only about these three is because they are the ones that are making so much hullabaloo and affects our daily living. 

If one looks at their basic teachings about G-D and how to make this world a livable one, you will see that those basic things are not followed because of their leaders’ arrogance, twisting of the truth and self-serving  purposes.

Because of this, people are confused!  They do not know what to believe because their leaders whom they should rely on are confused, they are like blind shepherds herding their flocks.
 Is it the Lord’s providence to confuse man or because the evilness of man to dominate his fellow man is on the work?

Christianity whose gospels teach him to become holy is now one of the worst religions of the earth!  His children are confused – very confused.  From one body, it divided into smithereens because of the infidelities of his leaders. 

Look around; see how many flocks guided by blind shepherds in the fields. Speak to them and you will hear their confused explanations on what direction to follow! 

In addition, in the name of freedom, her children directly defile the holiness of their faith.   No words can explain the embarrassment and shame they caused her!

Judaism who claims his TORAH came directly from heaven is so busy looking for people who utter anti-Semitic words, and suspects the world is out to destroy him.  However, he does not realize that some of his own ways is so insulting that you cannot avoid your tongue to curse him. Well, you're in the loop of the rope if you did that, you are accused of being anti-Semitic. (I guess that's the gravest sin on earth)

He acts holy but cannot stand looking a half-dressed woman.  Isn't the woman should melt in shame, and turn to the left when she met a holy man! 

He claims you are a friend; however, go to his house, and you’ll eat everything he can serve, but when he comes to your house, he will not touch anything you serve because he swears in the name of his God it is not clean.  Now tell me what you feel about that.

Islam  claims as the religion of peace, but in action looks like the opposite.  His children’s mind is full of hatred and murderous motive!  Instead of humbly sharing the good news, they are busy planning how to murder more non-believers! 

They feel so insulted when someone criticize them for their bad attitudes, and get so barbaric when someone crazy like them stomps on their Koran, but they celebrate in feast, and delighted so much when they tear others' religion's holy book. They celebrate with sweets when they hear one of their brother/sister blew his/her body in the middle of a crowd killing women, children, and people they considered infidels.

I cannot fathom why this is happening despite the fact that these three Holy Religions' Holy Books are only talking about how they should help their lost brothers and sisters to come into the right path to holiness.

These religious leaders failed the Lord that appointed them!  Every day they put Him to shame and continuously embarrassed Him.  

May the LORD have mercy to all the people being lead by the leaders of these faiths!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Blessing of Temptation


Why was the serpent a liar? Because he did not give the complete information to the first man and woman of the bible when he told them that if they eat the fruit of knowledge they will also become like god!

The serpent did not tell them that, once they chose to become god, by eating the fruit of knowledge they will be going through hell!

Man is not told what to do in order to achieve godliness. So, as is written, by the grace of the LORD, who saw that there was no way man - on his own way, can become like god - HE gave him guidelines to follow, including the famous Ten Commandments.

But man is man. He does not understand those guidelines given to him. Because he was not designed to become god, but only to be human who will oversee the world, so, there is no chance he is capable of becoming one! As of now, he is only fighting to re-acquire his position in this universe which is next in rank with the angels – and that is his sainthood! The trouble, his greediness is pushing him to be more than just a saint – he wants to become god!

But, again, man is man. He thinks that to become god, he only has to get away from temptations; but in the process of doing it, he is committing more sins. He ended up killing his own fellow human beings because he believes it is necessary on his way to godliness!

To become god let us understand and accept that “Temptation” is not a curse but a blessing for man. Why it is a blessing? Because it is the hurdle that needs to be overcome on the way to becoming god. It is a measure to know if a man deserves the title – God.

How does a man overcomes temptations? The only way, as shown by the lord Jesus Christ, is by LOVE alone.

It is like an athlete wanting to become a World Champion. He has to go through stiff competitions. So, he prepares by going through a lot of training by going all through hurdles that tests his strength and desire to become a champion. And as he prepares, he loves challenges and go through them repeatedly because he knows these are what he needs to overcome - for him to become a real champion.

Same thing with the desire to become god, man must have to overcome all the temptations all around him and use it to strengthen his spiritual power. He should love these temptations in whatever forms and go through them repeatedly to prove that he is spiritually strong and qualifies to become god.

So, the only way to godliness is to “WALK THROUGH THE PATH OF TEMPTATIONS OF SIN!’’ And the only help to overcome the temptations to commit sin is to “DRINK THE LORD’s WORDS” to strengthen our spirit wards off the desires build-up by our constant exposures to temptations.

Monday, September 19, 2011

My Father's Advice About Wine

My relationship with my father was not that great, but he left me some memories of his wisdom - one of which is on drinking alcohol. 

His simple wisdom is nothing to most learned people, but it greatly shaped me as a man. 

I always tell this to my fellow drinkers and many of them agreed; as a result, some were trying to apply it in their life. 

Seeing that it has an impact to the others, I decided to write it down and share it for those who have trouble to quit drinking alcohol, and for those who wants to control it. 

My father did not tell me the advice but I was there when he was telling it to a group of men who were talking about drinking too much, and too often, resulting in hangovers the following day. That was also the time I heard the drunkards’ saying, “To avoid hangover, stay drunk!” 

(If there are people who drink like they own the wine factory, I think the Filipinos are one of those whom you can count on the top ten.)

“In our culture, there is no way you can avoid drinking wine, or alcoholic beverages” he started to say. The men kept quiet and each one looked at my father expecting something important on what he will say. 

My father only finished 6th grade, and he got his wisdom from the streets and from living most of his youth in the company of drunkards, and vagabonds. His friends and the people in our small village knew him as a tough person, and with a loud voice, but they respect him because he was fare with them. He did not hurt anyone for the sake of showing who he was, but ready to fight if they want one.

“If the old men of our barrio meet to solve a dispute between neighbors, or a problem, a wine is always served on the table. When you attend a wedding, birthday parties, or even when you meet a friend, wine is always preferred over other drinks,” he continued.

“Therefore, the only thing you can do, to not hurt your health is to control yourself. Self-discipline is the key so that you will not end up drunk at the end of the day. Remember that when you are drunk, most of your words will lose its credibility. In addition, man’s credibility is one of its best assets. Anywhere you go, people will respect you if you can keep your composure for the whole day, notwithstanding expensive drinks are put on the table.” 

I do not know if these words affected those men who were on the table at that time, because after that scene, I went to take my college away from home. Consequently, during my college days, our group cannot resist going into a bar and spent our time there drinking liquor – until one or all of us are drunk. 


I saw how my friends lost their wits when they get drunk, and there were times that I did not know how I arrive home to the place where I was staying. Because of that binge drinking, I got headaches and weak the following day, and feelings I cannot imagine how to explain; all I know was I had a terrible hangover. 

During the time I suffer hangover, the words of my father kept reverberating on my ear. Thinking about it many times, I decided to follow his advised to the men whom he gave it. I thought that if I do not discipline myself on drinking alcohol, I might end up like the others who died as a result, of being addicted to alcohol.

Now, whenever I go with my peers to have a drink, it is either I will take a jigger or two, or not to touch the wine at all. 

The pressure of their words teasing me was tough to swallow but I stood up my ground. As time went on, they understood my reasons and even admired me, that some of them were doing what I was doing. It amazed me that my father’s advice had an influence with them. 

Until now, I still drink, and I admit that there are still time when I drink more than my capacity but the words I heard from my father always keep me on check. Without those words, I believe, I am one with the men who lost their sense of worth because the spirit of the wine had overwhelmed them. - The place for profile layouts, flash generators, glitter graphics, backgrounds and codes
Myspace Filipino Comments

Saturday, September 17, 2011

All U Need Shopping Convenience Store

Why, What's Wrong With My Name Igorot? - The place for profile layouts, flash generators, glitter graphics, backgrounds and codes
Myspace Filipino Comments
This article is in reply to my friend Carl Carino Taawan’s Blog published in his website He described how the Igorot’s earned their name, and how some refused to accept the name. At the end he asks, “So, what should be the perfect name to call these distinctive people of these mountain ranges or “golot”?

The question of changing our “name” Igorot has been a question no one ever gave a satisfying answer until today. And there is no need for me to relate about the history of it because those stories can be found in the internet.

Consequently, I want to go straight to the point that “I am Igorot, and will stay that way! May the ghosts shall curse anyone who shall dare to change it - even when my body no longer alive!”

I do not like Cordilleran because while it is a foreign word it would still give you the same’re a person from the mountain name Cordillera.

In my own opinion, there's no name to change, instead it’s the attitude of the people that should be changed. If we want to make the name IGOROT sounds like gold to the people who hears it, then we should strive more to improve our behavior, attitude, and culture, which we already have made a big leap.

If we read our history, it is unbelievable that we were once barbarians who got pleasure from HEADHUNTING. Thanks to the lives of those Priests who sacrificed everything to change us. Hence, we should not stop from who we are now, but work more to show the world and be proud how much we became. If we can do that, IGOROT will become one of the historical names in the world history books to be written.

Igorot is a general name for us...and it is unique. A name cropped up from our being an original people of this place. It is, therefore, proper that we have to continue making it more intriguing out of the ordinary name - for the world to see and learn that barbarians can become Holy ones when shown the right way to live as humans ((not as animals to be made as attraction in shows like the one at St. Louis World’s Fair, Missouri in 1904. For further reading read The Filipino ‘exhibit’ at the 1904 St. Louis World’s Fair, Missouri, by Michelle Sit) .)

As an individual, no matter what common name or tribe you belong, everything you do reflect the attitude and behavior of the family, clan, tribe, and country you belong. And we can say, that each one of us represents the world and the ONE who made us.

Conclusion: Change ourselves by striving to become the best person we can become. I am sure, even the ugliest name, you can imagine, they will connect to us will turn into one of the most celebrated name on earth.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Sciatica and Back Pain

Symptoms include:

·        Dull sensations of pain on the affected side, especially, when you are standing still, or when you are sitting down.  (You can easily recognized people with this problem, because they keep shifting their position especially when the problem is severe.)
·        Feeling of numbness and weakness of the affected leg
·        Urinating more often, and retention
·        Sometimes you think your bowel movement is excellent because you visit the toilet   2 Xs or more every day
·        Testicular pain for some people
·        Decreased “stamina” on bed

Because the problem starts from the lower back (Lumbar area) that is, the reason why most people call it back pain.  On the contrary, while sciatica is caused by a problem on the Sciatic nerve, the feeling of pain is different from muscle pain of the back, and the areas involved.  Sciatic problem goes down the leg, while back pain goes up or it affects the upper back muscles.

In real back pain, the person sometimes cannot move or, have a hard time moving.  The pain could truly make him immobile. The victim has to be always on the guard of his movements, afraid that the move could trigger unbearable pain. Whilst with sciatic problem you can move and walk without worrying about a sudden shoot of pain.  The trouble is the feeling of numbness on your affected leg, and it can cause weakness, which makes the patient to stop more often.

In addition, in real back pain, the pain is like sucking into the bone, while sciatica is sucking into the muscles that as if something is cutting the normal flow of energy or sensation.

Therefore, for the sake of having to describe the problem, it would be more precise to call it SCIATIC PROBLEM, or Sciatic Abnormality – that would leave back pain on its own.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

How To Quit Smoking?

My father was a “Chain-smoker” at least that is how they term it in English.  In our place Ilocos region, Philippines, where the late strongman Ferdinand Marcos came from, we call it a “Pugon” (Poo-goon) a ventilation shaft of a place where the tobacco farmers dried their tobacco harvest.  It is a small house without a window, but only a door to get in and the ventilation shaft where the smoke of the burning firewood passes through, while drying the tobacco leaves.

My father smoked three packs or more a day.  And in order for him to save, we planted tobacco every year to augment his need for cigarettes.  When the tobacco was gathered, dried, and ready for use, I helped my mother to make rolled sticks of cigarettes in a piece of torn newspapers. 

I also tried to puff some sticks of his cigarettes, I secretly took from his pocket when I was a teen-ager, but it never appealed to me.  I got dizzy after finishing a stick, so I never thought of having it as part of me.

From my father’s account, he started smoking since he was young. He learned it from his friends.

However, one day in 1980 - 1981, he decided to quit smoking and from that time on, he never tried it again.  In addition, he influenced his two cousins who were chain-smokers themselves, and some men who wanted to quit a long time, but did not find a way to do it.


When his friends, interestedly asked him how he quitted smoking, my father had a simple answer on how he did it.

He said that every time he had a cold, the smell of smoke was not pleasant at all.  When the cold is finished, the smell of cigarette becomes enticing again.   He never realized that he could use it as a prelude to quit smoking, although he wanted to stop smoking years back, he did not know how. 

One time, afterwards, when he had a cold and the smell of the cigarette was repulsive, he decided to keep the whole idea of smoking as repulsive.  From that time on, he started to say no to himself whenever he craved for a cigarette.                                                                    

His mantra was simple, “If I have done it yesterday, I can do it again today!” or, “If I have done it for an hour, I can do it again for another hour.” Sometimes, he also said these words, “The cigarette is not part of my body, so, I can live without it!”

Moreover, whenever someone offered him a stick of cigarette, he will accept it but put it inside his shirt’s front pocket.  It’s either he will give it to someone who ask for a stick of cigarette or just leave it in his pocket for a day or two and he will throw it away. 

The idea that he was able to overcome himself from the strong compulsion to have even a puff of cigarette made him more motivated and gave him strengths to continue fighting himself.

A day became a week; a week became months, until the months became a normal day for him:  He no longer craved for a cigarette.

That was how he did it. He just repeated his mantra of saying, “If I did it yesterday, I can do it again today.” 

He said it was a struggle against him: “A battle of your will to quit against your desire to try for just only a puff!  You are fighting your own demon who keeps saying, “Just a puff, man! If you want, limit it to one stick a day!” 

One of the common problems for people who wanted to quit smoking is drooling caused by the desire to puff a cigarette.  That was one of the problem I encountered my father told one of his cousins.

To counteract the problem, he bought candies.  Hence, every time he drooled he took a candy, and played it in his mouth to neutralize the saliva. 

There was one or two advised he kept telling people who smoke and for those who wants to try:

·         In smoking, you never have a chance to win.  First, you spend money, and second you will surely destroy your health.

·         If you want to quit smoking – you can do it – if you will; the fight is all in your head.  Your will to quit, will help you to succeed.  The cigarette is not part of your body, so, you can therefore live without it.

Throat Cancer: Common Cause

Throat cancer is a strange kind of sickness in the rural areas of the Philippines. It is only in the urban area or places where refrigerator and water coolers are common that the problem is also becoming a common word.

The common cause of throat cancer according to the Mayo Clinic is due to cell mutations in the throat, (The Throat cancer occurs when cells in your throat develop genetic mutations. These mutations cause cells to grow uncontrollably and continue living after healthy cells would normally die. The accumulating cells can form a tumor in your throat.
It's not clear what causes the mutation that causes throat cancer...Mayo Clinic)

However, it is interesting that their concentration is about the mutation of cells and not the real cause before the mutation that causes cancer, and the company’s advice, “You can reduce your risk of throat cancer by not smoking, not chewing tobacco, and limiting alcohol use” is even far to satisfactory.

Well, long time ago, my mother taught me what are the basic things to avoid in taking care of my throat from sore throat, inflammations, and losing the voice.

These were her simple advice that she learned from her mother who learned it first from her mother...and so on.

In general, never drink ice cold water, and any other drinks; as much as possible take room temperature water or water put away in a clay jar
When it is hot, drink hot tea, coffee, or simply warm to hot water
When it is hot and you drink ice-cold water, it will encourage more drinking which results to bloating, unexplained feeling of queasiness, and sore throat, throat inflammation and losing your voice.

How about drinking alcohol? In my experience, the alcohol does not cause the problem, but the ice added to the alcohol drink is the reason. For the case of beer, the ice-cold ones always cause problem in my throat. However, some people may still be affected by the strong taste of the alcohol, so, it's not bad if observation is done.

And smoking? Smoking dries the throat, so, there is a big chance the skin lining of the throat will be irritated and become inflamed.

Kanser Sa Lalamunan: Simpleng Pag-iwas (Makalumang Kaalamang Pilipino sa Kalusugan)

Payong makaluma, pero hanggang ngayon ay epektibo at talagang di pa rin kumukupas ang bisa.

Sa panahon ngayon na halos lahat ng mga remedyo na ipinapayo ng mga doktor ay may halong negosyo,  di tayo nakakasigurado kung siguradong epektibo  bukod sa napakamahal ang presyo.   Tulad halimbawa ng sakit na KANSER SA LALAMUNAN na napakauso ngayon sa ibang bansa.  Maraming mga naooperahan at namamatay dahil ang mga naging biktima ay hindi naman napayuhan ng husto kung papaano ito maiwasan pagkatapos mabigyan ng mga mamahalin na gamot.  

Ano nga ba naman ang ipapayo ng mga doktor ngayon eh, masyado naman silang tiwala sa siyensya at binale wala na ang mga makalumang payo ng ating mga ninuno na talaga namang batay din sa kanilang mga karanasan, na kung tutuusin ay isang klase din ng agham dahil maraming eksperimento din ang ginawa (sa pamamagitan ng obserbasyon sa mga resulta ng kanilang mga ginagawa gaya sa kalusugan) bagaman walang tala o rekord na ginawa.

Isa dito ay ang kung papaano maiwasan ang sorethroat o sakit sa lalamunan na kadalasan, pag hindi maagapan o hindi mag-iingat ang tao ay nagreresulta sa “THROAT CANCER” o KANSER SA LALAMUNAN.

Malamig na inumin:  Sanhi ng KANSER SA LALAMUNAN

Ano ba ang mangyayari kung uminom ng malamig kapag galing sa mainit?

Kapag galing ka sa mainit at uminom ka agad ng malamig na tubig, ang resulta ay mas lalo kang mauuhaw at gusto mong uminom ulit at ito ay paulit-ulit dahil hindi napapawi ang pagkauhaw. Ang kadalasang resulta nito ay ang pagkabusog o Bloating sa englis na dimo maipaliwanag kung ano ang nararamdaman.  Ang tawag dito sa ating mga pinoy ay SINISIKMURA o nalamigan.

Pangalawang hindi magandang resulta ng pag-inom ng mga malamig na malamig na inumin kapag galing sa mainit o kaya’y pagod, ay ang pagkasira ng LALAMUNAN. Kapag di natin ikontrol ang sarili natin na uminom ng mga malalamig ay palagi rin matatamaan ang ating lalamunan at sa kalaunan ay nagreresulta sa pamamaga at pananakit na pwedeng maging sanhi ng sakit na KANSER SA LALAMUNAN(THROAT CANCER)

Mga Payo sa pag-alaga ng lalamunan

Kadalasan, kapag ang isang tao ay nauuhaw ay gusto niyang uminom ng malamig na malamig na tubig o sa ngayon ay ang pag-inom ng mga kola.
Ang ugaling ito ang mahigpit na ipinagbawal sa akin ng aking nanay noong bata pa ako dahil ayon sa kanya ay hindi maganda sa lalamunan at sa katawan. (Eto ay natutunan din nya sa kanyang ina noong sila ay bata pa na nagtatrabaho sa bukid sa kasagsagan ng mainit na araw)

Ang payo nya ay kapag galing kami sa init at nauuhaw, mas mainam na uminom kami ng mainit na tsa’a o TEA, o mainit na tubig para maiwasan ang pagkapasma (Biglang pagkakasakit at kung minsan daliang pagkamatay ng tao), o kaya ay ang pamamaga ng lalamunan o sorethroat.  Kadalasan ay namamaus o nawawala ang boses, at pag namaga ay nagreresulta sa pagkainpeksyon ng lalamunan na bumabagsak sa KANSER kung hindi maalagaan.

Paano nila ito alam?

Ang tao ay binigyan ng MAYKAPAL ng sariling talino na sa pamamagitan lamang ng paulit-ulit at mataimtim na obserbasyon sa isang pangyayari ay nalalaman nya ang dahilan at mga bunga.  Sa modernong panahon ay binigyan lang ng moderno din na pangalan kaya binabalewala ang ang mga kaalaman ng mga naunang tao noong unang panahon.

Eto ay mga simpleng bagay lamang pero hindi alam ng mga sobrang talino “kuno” na mga tao. 


Sa ngayon ay maraming nagkakasakit ng kanser sa lalamunan kasabay ng pagiging madalian na lamang kasing buksan ang ref na palamigan ng inumin.  Maliban sa kanser na mapapala ng tao ay malaking pinansyal ang gagastusin para magamot lamang.

Pero, kapag sundin ang simpleng payo na eto, ay magiging malusog ka na makakatipid ka pa sa gastusin.

Mahirap paniwalaan pero payo yan na sa ngayon ay namamatay na dahil mga matatanda ngayon ay di na iginagalang ang kanilang mga kaalaman.

At kung gustong patunayan, madali lamang... obserbahan ang reaksyon ng katawan sa sunodsunod na pag-inom ng malamig.