Monday, March 30, 2015

Marijuana Helped A Patient In Her Last Days

Here is one story about the usefulness of the banned Marijuana.

One fellow massage therapist shared his story during our last quarterly meeting about traditional alternative health care.

He said he had one female patient suffering from intense pain due to a terminal cancer. She could not sleep at all on her last days on earth.

He was called to see what he can do to maybe ease the pain the woman was suffering from. Also to at least ease the suffering feelings of her love ones helplessly watching her die.

This fellow massage therapist massaged the cancer patient to soothe the pain. The result was good but was not good enough.

Having applied all the massage techniques he knows to ease pains and with very little effect, he asked the husband of the patient to boil water to decoct two tablespoons of dried marijuana.

The husband did what was ordered him to do.

My friend then used a tablespoon to slowly give the decoction to the patient. He gave her a half glass of it.

In after 30 minutes the patient stop talking and moaning of pain. A sign she falls asleep.

The following day he went to visit the patient and she was very thankful because for the first time in so many nights and days, she was able to sleep through the night.

He massage her and instructed the husband how to prepare the decoction and how much to give to his wife.

After a week the patient passed away.

The family was very thankful to him because for the few remaining days of her life she did not show so much suffering and was able to concentrate on enjoying her remaining life with her family, specially, the children.

Why I Believe Jesus Is the Messiah?

I admit that I am one of those who have a doubt about the reality of Jesus as the son of G-d.

I used to believe maybe he came but not as the messiah but, like the others are saying, as a prophet or just one of the common people who had a very marvelous knowledge and wisdom about the Torah.

The truth is no one can really give a proof that can support the New Testament’s claim that one time in the world history a certain Jesus lived, and what really is making it controversial was his claim he is the son of G-d.

I listened to many people giving explanations and trying to prove the trueness of him. I also read with awe his words in the bible but still couldn’t eliminate the kernel of a doubt in my mind. Thus while I admire his teachings I could not fully accept him as the Messiah.

However, things changed when I read the book entitled “The Discovery of the Igorots” written by William Henry Scott.

The book describes the early Christianization of the Igorots who were called pagans. According to the book, the Igorots were head hunters and there were many priests who sacrificed their heads just to spread the good news about Jesus.

It took centuries before at last the powerful words of the Messiah penetrated the bottom pit of the hearts of these Igorots and finally, I could say, today almost 100% are now Christians.

Today, a residue of their practices is not yet completely removed when they do their cultural traditions. But I can proudly say that they overtook many of the people who first became Christians by their being the most civilized.

Now one can walk the streets without worrying their head will be taken away to be used as a cup for drinking rice wine. Or at least, one can walk without worrying he will be taken as slave or killed just for the fun of it. Furthermore, most of them are now believers in Christ and one cannot see a sign of their being once was a barbarian.

Yes, history can prove the veracity and powerfulness of the word of G-d. For it is not only the Igorots were once a barbarian but the whole world was. We only have to read the history books and meditate on how things changed just because of the word written in the Bible. And who spearheaded the spreading of the good news?

I therefore thank the Lord for giving His Torah to His people, and sending His beloved son Jesus to make way for us gentiles to be given the chance to be saved.

Yes, Jesus’ words itself stand as the witness for his genuineness as the Messiah sent by his Father to save the world.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

The Lord Said, “Choose Life”: Its Meaning and Connection to Our Daily Life

Deuteronomy 30: 1- 20 is a very special part of the Bible, not because of its content but it’s significant connection to our spiritual life as Christians.

The passage there kept coming back to my mind for the past several months and I contemplated about its connection to me.

I thought about my troubles and struggles as a normal human being. The decisions I made and their effects to me now.

The other meaning of the passage, aside from its literal meaning as interpreted and explained by others, came to me when one time I sighed about the hurdles I overcame then said, “Thanks I am still alive.” But then another question popped up, “Why I am still alive?”

After thinking deeply why, I exclaimed, “Because I chose life.”

There were many times in my life when I was in a situation to choose what should I do: Should I steal to satisfy my hunger, wants, or desires? Should I end my life because the problem was heavy a burden it seemed to have no solution in sight? Should I surrender because I can’t take the hardships of life anymore? And many more setups where I need to make a decision of doing good or doing bad.

Today, as I am thinking about it, I am happy and very thankful to the Lord for His guidance for me to make the right decisions of choosing life instead of death.

I don’t know what kind of trouble you’re at now but I am hoping that, as Christian, whatever decision you make it is pro-life. Choose life.

There are temptations that seem look like validate our decision to decide otherwise, like stealing because we are dying of hunger. However, let us remember what Jesus told Satan when he was tempted to turn the stones into bread and other tricks to make Jesus slipped into his destruction - all the decisions he made was to choose life.

If we steal, we may not die immediately but we could be jailed, or the people will lost their trust in you because you’re ready to do bad once in a very trying situation. Others commit suicide without even trying to fight they may have the chance to win.

If you’re a soldier who happens to be in an encounter with enemies outnumbering your group that the chance to survive seems to be zero, will you point your gun into your temple and kill yourself or commit suicide by pointing your gun to the enemies and try to kill at least one of them or who knows many of them. Your death will not be in naught because you died fighting.

The same thing in life. We fight by trying to find solutions to our troubles, and if you feel like all alone, pray because He is always there ready to help when a faithful believer calls for help. Remember when Jesus was on the cross, he forgave one of his companions hanging on a cross when he asked Jesus to remember him. What more of us who believe in Him.

Jesus, said, to look for His help when we need a helping hand because we are down and troubled. Therefore, choose life or always do what’s good in the eyes of G-d because everything is to be gained, rather than losing all because we chose otherwise thinking we have the right to do it since it’s our life or death.

May He continue to bless us with His guidance and overlook our shortcomings and not use them to turn His back on us.