Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Alternative Heartburn remedy

This article is based from my website of the same topic "Massage remedy for Heartburn" found at Massage Cure Secrets

Heartburn is probably one of the most troubling problems afflicting people. And we know it could ruin your supposed to be beautiful day. Worst when you are in a party when it attacked and you have nothing at hand, like, a heartburn medicine, you feel helpless and have to endure the ordeal until you got home.

But, we all know that taking antacids has some adverse effects to the health of some; thus an alternative remedy can be tried first before any drugs. Common side effects may include, flatulence and stomach cramps.

My friend, I experienced the same and thanks for the massage skill the Lord gave me; I was able to develop steps to immediately remedy the problem and it sure always work for me. And because I always believe that if it works to one it may also work to the other. I am therefore obliged to share it to you if you’re interested.

Heartburn Remedy Steps:

1. Locate the tip of the xiphoid process

2. Press or apply light to medium pressure

3. Press- 3-5 counts. Each count is equal to 1 second

  •  Movement can be done with your left or right hand

4. Next measure 2-3 fingers from the tip of the xiphoid process

5. Under the 2nd or 3rd finger put the other fingers of your hand

6. Press slightly or pressure depends on your tolerance. Apply an upward motion( You can use both hands).

7. Count three to five times. There are instances where more counts are needed to soften the part being massage which is below xiphoid. ( don’t know why I can’t find an English term for this part of the body which we call here in the Philippines as “Rusok” = Ilocano; Sikmura=Tagalog.

What to expect after doing the massage?

If the procedures were done right, you will experience the following:

1. You will burp and the gas/air passes through your mouth easily with relief

2. If the procedure was not enough the urge to burp stops short of coming out giving you unsatisfied feeling. You need to repeat the procedure

3. If you don’t burp the gas will go out the other end. It may smell but the relief is very rewarding

What to remember before doing the procedures/steps?

1. Do it on an empty stomach (no food and no water)

2. If you have just eaten or drunk be sure an hour or more lapsed before you start

3. No alcohol, please

4. It is best done before sleeping at night, or early in the morning

5. If it doesn’t work at first keep doing it for a week or two weeks until the part below your xiphoid softens

6. If it still doesn’t work after two weeks, it’s your choice if you continue or better consult your doctor because you may have something else worse than just heartburn.

7. Always remember this is not a replacement for medical procedure.

NOTE: While I said the technique is best done on empty stomach, I found out that a slight massage when you feel you have dyspepsia after accidentally eating more than your stomach capacity HELPS.

And let me share another remedy we learned from our old folk’s when you feel you have overstuffed your stomach with food: Find cold water and put some on your hand then rub it over your abdomen. Be sure to include your “Sikmura” – that area just underneath your xiphoid process.

To have a better idea on how to do the steps, please, watch the video.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Emergency Points For Blood Pressure

Have you in a situation, where a friend of yours or a family member was having a terrible headache

because of a high blood pressure? Many times, there is news that a person we know died because of a

brain hemorrhage cause by a high blood pressure. In short, a vein or artery burst causing an internal

bleeding in the head that kills the person.

Although, there are instances when a stroke happens in just a wink, not all bleeding occur instantly. Most of the time, it starts with a terrible headache, and sometimes causes the person to get dizzy, and nauseous. If this happens, have the person sits down or lay down or in a position that is comfortable.

What you will do is to massage the fingers, and toes. If he is wearing shoes, take them off and massage

the toes, and the entire feet. Do it fast by squeezing the arms towards the fingers, and at the legs, squeeze below the knee towards the toes and finish it with a rubdown. The principle is to bring the circulation of the blood towards the extremities away from the head.

Next is to press the two points on the back of the neck, at the

ridge of the skull. Concentrate on those two points. Use your

thumb and middle finger. Press for a count of three, then

release. Repeat procedure for a few more times, then try to

make the pressure longer. Ask the patient for a feedback.

Usually the pressure feels good and the patient feel relieved.

Now using your other hands make a rub from the forehead

going to the center of the head. Repeat the procedure for a

few more times. Next, instead of the whole hands, use your

fingers and thumb to walk the head from the hairline going into

the back of the head.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Throat Cancer: The Ignored cause

Throat cancer is creating an alarm, because like other kinds of cancer, even well known personalities are not exempt from the problem.

If you ask me about the definition of throat cancer, I will refer you to check Mayo Clinic, and any other medical websites. They will define it to you and explain it in details - the different names, stages, tests, and medical treatments you will have to go through. However, there is one thing they cannot do – to pinpoint one of the real cause of throat cancer.

Again, like the other problems, I talked about already, and all the other problems I will be talking in the future are all based in my own experiences. So, the knowledge you will get here is from non-medical educated person, whose education about health is all based on experience, and observations of his body as experimental subject. So, I advise you to not continue if you want things scientifically proven by years of studies, and experimentations.

The ignored cause of throat cancer 

Cold drinks 
         I do not know how to explain this one, but my experience taught me that drinking ice cold drinks, such as water, cola, and anything cold – straight from the refrigerator is dangerous to your throat.

As a child, we were told by my mother, that when you are tired, and have been working under the sun, and feeling very thirsty – do not drink immediately. Cool off first before you drink.

It is a common practice that once we arrived home we immediately look for water – cold water. Not aware this practice upsets the cells of our throat. In an hour, or few hours, or after 24 hours it starts to get inflamed. The problem is even when it is inflamed, we continue drinking cold water, aggravating the problem.

Like what I have said, I am talking based from my experiences, so if you do not believe me, why not give a try for yourself to know firsthand. Once you get into your home, thirsty from a hot summer day, take a very cold drink. That would explain everything. Observe how you feel afterwards. You will keep drinking and feeling thirsty even after downing a liter of cold liquid. If it saved your throat, you might not avoid the queasy feeling. If it is not the throat, it could be the other organs. Other effects of this practice would be, headaches, ulcer like pain, nausea, fever, and flu.

If you have a strong immune system, good – but don’t abuse it. Because, I am sure, your time will come.

I am glad I have a mother who did not even finish fourth grade. If she became a doctor, she would not have learned the old folks simple and cheap health remedy.

Every time I got throat problems which usually caused fever, because of not being able to control myself to drink cold water after coming in from a hot weather, my mother was my doctor. While reprimanding me, reminding me of the bad effect of what I did, she would prepare her first aid simple remedy - water therapy. Are you surprised? Drinking from cold water was the cause of the problem, but she was again using water to treat it.

How did she use water to treat the problem?

Simple, to treat sore throat, make a warm to hot water with salt and gurgle with it. Why hot water? Well, this is where we un-educated people cannot explain. All we know is it works most of the time. But my guess is, may be the hot water kills bacteria that caused the inflammation, and to relax the frozen cells. Why the salt added? I believe it also helps to kill the bacteria – probably.

However, since I stayed here in Baguio city where the weather is cold, and never gets very hot, I completely “forgot” my mother’s advice. When we go down to the lowlands, I would drink cold water, and nothing happened, so, I thought I am a grown up boy. Sore throat cannot touch me anymore. My mistake, in 1998 when I was going down to Manila every other day for two weeks, sore throat affected me. On the third day, it was hard to swallow, and I had fever. The 4th day, I cannot swallow at all, so, had to press under my chin in order to do it. I am glad my mother’s old advice came back to my memory. I immediately boiled water with an added salt, and used it to counter-act the problem. Hard headed, I was not convinced that my body could not fight the effect of cold water, so I experimented, the effect was the same. Thus, I told myself to stop playing or I will pay the price.

Yet, the experience I believe left me a sensitive throat until now. Each time I drink ice-cold beer, or any cold drinks, I always get an inflamed throat. I am just lucky, that each time, my mother's remedy always work each time.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Problem with Christianity, Judaism, and Islam

There are three major religions in this earth, whose doctrines are controlling its affairs.  These are Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Why I am going to talk only about these three is because they are the ones that are making so much hullabaloo and affects our daily living. 

If one looks at their basic teachings about G-D and how to make this world a livable one, you will see that those basic things are not followed because of their leaders’ arrogance, twisting of the truth and self-serving  purposes.

Because of this, people are confused!  They do not know what to believe because their leaders whom they should rely on are confused, they are like blind shepherds herding their flocks.
 Is it the Lord’s providence to confuse man or because the evilness of man to dominate his fellow man is on the work?

Christianity whose gospels teach him to become holy is now one of the worst religions of the earth!  His children are confused – very confused.  From one body, it divided into smithereens because of the infidelities of his leaders. 

Look around; see how many flocks guided by blind shepherds in the fields. Speak to them and you will hear their confused explanations on what direction to follow! 

In addition, in the name of freedom, her children directly defile the holiness of their faith.   No words can explain the embarrassment and shame they caused her!

Judaism who claims his TORAH came directly from heaven is so busy looking for people who utter anti-Semitic words, and suspects the world is out to destroy him.  However, he does not realize that some of his own ways is so insulting that you cannot avoid your tongue to curse him. Well, you're in the loop of the rope if you did that, you are accused of being anti-Semitic. (I guess that's the gravest sin on earth)

He acts holy but cannot stand looking a half-dressed woman.  Isn't the woman should melt in shame, and turn to the left when she met a holy man! 

He claims you are a friend; however, go to his house, and you’ll eat everything he can serve, but when he comes to your house, he will not touch anything you serve because he swears in the name of his God it is not clean.  Now tell me what you feel about that.

Islam  claims as the religion of peace, but in action looks like the opposite.  His children’s mind is full of hatred and murderous motive!  Instead of humbly sharing the good news, they are busy planning how to murder more non-believers! 

They feel so insulted when someone criticize them for their bad attitudes, and get so barbaric when someone crazy like them stomps on their Koran, but they celebrate in feast, and delighted so much when they tear others' religion's holy book. They celebrate with sweets when they hear one of their brother/sister blew his/her body in the middle of a crowd killing women, children, and people they considered infidels.

I cannot fathom why this is happening despite the fact that these three Holy Religions' Holy Books are only talking about how they should help their lost brothers and sisters to come into the right path to holiness.

These religious leaders failed the Lord that appointed them!  Every day they put Him to shame and continuously embarrassed Him.  

May the LORD have mercy to all the people being lead by the leaders of these faiths!