Sunday, July 29, 2012

Three Sleeping positions that cause me nightmares

Since I was a child, I cannot count how many dreams gave me nightmares. I am just happy I discovered the sleeping positions that always contribute or probably the reasons why I get nightmares. Nightmare is a sleep problem that makes one suddenly awakens shouting, perspiring, and very afraid that as if the dream was true.

1. Fetal position, one of my legs is on top of the other. In this position I always have a trouble walking, and running in my dreams. Most of the times I dream of walking but cannot walk fast no matter how much I try, and usually I got tired. Or when I wanted to run I feel my legs are so heavy and cannot get away from the one running after me or over run someone or a thing I wanted to catch, so at the end I would wake up tired, and breathless.

But, since I like sleeping on my side, I always make sure that one of my leg is in front of the other, this way I could walk fast, and run faster in my dreams.

2. Sleeping on my back with my legs crossed over, and hands on my sides. This position again gives me same problem like the fetal position.

3. Sleeping on my back, but this time my legs are relaxed and not crossed over; however one of my hand is on top of my forehead, or both hands are on top my chest with fingers interlocked gives me a nightmare where I thought I got awakened and trying to talk waking up my partner or talking to someone. Many times on this kind of nightmare, I end up shouting, or moaning until I got up on my own or someone would wake me up. There were times also that I believed I was really awake and walking around.

In addition, other factors, also, contribute to my nightmares, like when a pillow accidentally was covering my face, my chest, or my legs. But the most dangerous was when you did not have sleep the last night coupled with fatigue – this would surely give a very deep sleep and would result to a nightmare.

But what is the problem when you have nightmares, aside from getting those not so pleasant dreams?

I believed that aside from those not so pleasant dreams, night mares could trigger a heart attack, and stroke.

Yes, we hear many people who died on their sleeps; however, what’s worrying is many of them now are young at the age of 20s.

When a person is overweight, or even if not, if that person got heart problem then nightmare is never welcome when it is time for sleeping.

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