Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Throat Cancer: The Ignored cause

Throat cancer is creating an alarm, because like other kinds of cancer, even well known personalities are not exempt from the problem.

If you ask me about the definition of throat cancer, I will refer you to check Mayo Clinic, and any other medical websites. They will define it to you and explain it in details - the different names, stages, tests, and medical treatments you will have to go through. However, there is one thing they cannot do – to pinpoint one of the real cause of throat cancer.

Again, like the other problems, I talked about already, and all the other problems I will be talking in the future are all based in my own experiences. So, the knowledge you will get here is from non-medical educated person, whose education about health is all based on experience, and observations of his body as experimental subject. So, I advise you to not continue if you want things scientifically proven by years of studies, and experimentations.

The ignored cause of throat cancer 

Cold drinks 
         I do not know how to explain this one, but my experience taught me that drinking ice cold drinks, such as water, cola, and anything cold – straight from the refrigerator is dangerous to your throat.

As a child, we were told by my mother, that when you are tired, and have been working under the sun, and feeling very thirsty – do not drink immediately. Cool off first before you drink.

It is a common practice that once we arrived home we immediately look for water – cold water. Not aware this practice upsets the cells of our throat. In an hour, or few hours, or after 24 hours it starts to get inflamed. The problem is even when it is inflamed, we continue drinking cold water, aggravating the problem.

Like what I have said, I am talking based from my experiences, so if you do not believe me, why not give a try for yourself to know firsthand. Once you get into your home, thirsty from a hot summer day, take a very cold drink. That would explain everything. Observe how you feel afterwards. You will keep drinking and feeling thirsty even after downing a liter of cold liquid. If it saved your throat, you might not avoid the queasy feeling. If it is not the throat, it could be the other organs. Other effects of this practice would be, headaches, ulcer like pain, nausea, fever, and flu.

If you have a strong immune system, good – but don’t abuse it. Because, I am sure, your time will come.

I am glad I have a mother who did not even finish fourth grade. If she became a doctor, she would not have learned the old folks simple and cheap health remedy.

Every time I got throat problems which usually caused fever, because of not being able to control myself to drink cold water after coming in from a hot weather, my mother was my doctor. While reprimanding me, reminding me of the bad effect of what I did, she would prepare her first aid simple remedy - water therapy. Are you surprised? Drinking from cold water was the cause of the problem, but she was again using water to treat it.

How did she use water to treat the problem?

Simple, to treat sore throat, make a warm to hot water with salt and gurgle with it. Why hot water? Well, this is where we un-educated people cannot explain. All we know is it works most of the time. But my guess is, may be the hot water kills bacteria that caused the inflammation, and to relax the frozen cells. Why the salt added? I believe it also helps to kill the bacteria – probably.

However, since I stayed here in Baguio city where the weather is cold, and never gets very hot, I completely “forgot” my mother’s advice. When we go down to the lowlands, I would drink cold water, and nothing happened, so, I thought I am a grown up boy. Sore throat cannot touch me anymore. My mistake, in 1998 when I was going down to Manila every other day for two weeks, sore throat affected me. On the third day, it was hard to swallow, and I had fever. The 4th day, I cannot swallow at all, so, had to press under my chin in order to do it. I am glad my mother’s old advice came back to my memory. I immediately boiled water with an added salt, and used it to counter-act the problem. Hard headed, I was not convinced that my body could not fight the effect of cold water, so I experimented, the effect was the same. Thus, I told myself to stop playing or I will pay the price.

Yet, the experience I believe left me a sensitive throat until now. Each time I drink ice-cold beer, or any cold drinks, I always get an inflamed throat. I am just lucky, that each time, my mother's remedy always work each time.

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