Thursday, September 15, 2011

Sciatica and Back Pain

Symptoms include:

·        Dull sensations of pain on the affected side, especially, when you are standing still, or when you are sitting down.  (You can easily recognized people with this problem, because they keep shifting their position especially when the problem is severe.)
·        Feeling of numbness and weakness of the affected leg
·        Urinating more often, and retention
·        Sometimes you think your bowel movement is excellent because you visit the toilet   2 Xs or more every day
·        Testicular pain for some people
·        Decreased “stamina” on bed

Because the problem starts from the lower back (Lumbar area) that is, the reason why most people call it back pain.  On the contrary, while sciatica is caused by a problem on the Sciatic nerve, the feeling of pain is different from muscle pain of the back, and the areas involved.  Sciatic problem goes down the leg, while back pain goes up or it affects the upper back muscles.

In real back pain, the person sometimes cannot move or, have a hard time moving.  The pain could truly make him immobile. The victim has to be always on the guard of his movements, afraid that the move could trigger unbearable pain. Whilst with sciatic problem you can move and walk without worrying about a sudden shoot of pain.  The trouble is the feeling of numbness on your affected leg, and it can cause weakness, which makes the patient to stop more often.

In addition, in real back pain, the pain is like sucking into the bone, while sciatica is sucking into the muscles that as if something is cutting the normal flow of energy or sensation.

Therefore, for the sake of having to describe the problem, it would be more precise to call it SCIATIC PROBLEM, or Sciatic Abnormality – that would leave back pain on its own.

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